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Setting Up Jasmine



This is a log of my attempts to set up Jasmine for remote machine access using TCP/IP for connections.  Following is a step by step process for setting up the virtual nodes (VNODE) for the connections.  Refer also to the Jasmine 1.2 documentation on the developer's CD for \Jasmine\Doc\Install\Jasin08.doc which covers "Managing Remote Connections".  

Step 1.  While logged on with Administrator privileges, and using the CA-Jasmine developer's CD (v1.21) install Jasmine Studio and Jasmine server onto the Windows NT machine that will be the server for this test.  After completing the install, reboot as necessary or if already installed ensure that the Jasmine Server is running either as a service, or explicitly by starting Jasmine from the Start Menu.

Step 2.  Once Jasmine is running, establish the connection on the Server machine.  This must be a Windows NT machine (orWin2000) and must have Jasmine database and server running as a service.  

bulletCreate a new Connection using the connection manager ConnMan.exe in the \Jasmine\Bin directory.  
bulletName the connection the same as the machine name. i.e. if the server is call JASBOX then the connection VNODE must be called "JASBOX" too.
bulletCreate the connection with an "Installation" password which allows people to connect without having to log-on to the NT machine.  To do this enter an asterisk "*" without the quotes in the field of the Connection Manager window for UserName.
bulletCreate a password and enter that into the Password field.
bulletEnter the IP address of the Windows NT server in the field called "Net Address"
bulletSelect wintcpip as the protocol.
bulletEnter "S1" as the listen address.
bulletFinally select "Global" access and not the private access, which would require the user to logon as the name of the private logon.

Step 3.  As in step 1 above, install Jasmine onto your client machine using the Developer's CD.  In this case do not install the server portion of Jasmine. If the server portion is already on the client machine, it will not impact this test, other than perhaps causing some doubt that this test is actually working and is talking to the remote server.  

Step 4.  Setting up the connection on the remote "Client" machine.  On the client machine, which is connected to the above "Server" by TCP/IP (aka the Internet) perform the following.  This client must have had installed the Jasmine Developers CD client software.  The database may or may not have been installed on this client machine, it will not be required for this connection.

bulletEnsure that Jasmine communication services are running on this client machine by starting Jasmine from the Start Menu through use of "JasCtrl.exe".
bulletCreate a new connection using the Connection Manager exactly as above for the server, only this time you are on the remote client machine.  
bulletOnce the connection has been created, click on the "Test Connection" button, you should get a window telling you the connection was successful.  After that double click on the new connection you created and you will ultimately see in Jasmine Studio the database from the remote Jasmine Server.

* Note:  The above works fine if the developer's CD has been installed on the client machine, however, I am still trying to work out how to establish a connection when using the Jasmine IE plugin, or Visual Objects JSession{} library as part of a custom application.

If you have any comments on the above or input to this process, please feel free to email me at

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Last modified: November 30, 2004
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