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DOS Downloads



The following downloads are free products for support of design reviews and design knowledge management.

bulletDOS based look-up engine enabling searching by departmental service, area or functional space. Allows viewing of military design criteria such as size of room, air-changes required, acoustical requirements, etc. File is compressed self-executing WinZip file. Requires windows to unzip but program will run in any dos environment (including a windows dos-command window).  No support for this product, although it functions well.  DOS Medical Facility Design Criteria Viewer (194 k)
bulletDOS based design review comment manager. This program will work on a network or stand-alone PC. To use on network, install all files on server and then call executable from the server. Executable and data files must be in same directory.  Be sure to map a drive letter to the network directory prior to running it on a client.  To allow authorized access on server, open the authoriz.dbf and enter staff logins with the appropriate design discipline authority (if any). Design discipline authority allows will allow that manager to edit all comments effecting that discipline. File is compressed self-executing WinZip file. Requires windows to unzip but program will run in any dos environment (including a windows dos-command window). No support or upgrades anticipated, although future Windows versions are expected.  DOS Design Review Comment Manager v3.46 (200k)

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Last modified: November 30, 2004
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