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ODQL Cleaner
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Rational Rose ODQL Cleaner Utility
Download a utility to truncate description text in ODQL code that was generated by the Rational Rose Integration Kit for Jasmine on the CA-Jasmine ii Beta CD.  Refer to papers for presentations on how to use the files.
Visual Objects Serializing DbServer
Download the CA-VO source files for a unique serial number generator and demonstration test.  Download the installation files for the serial number demonstration test (no source code).  This source code enables creation of a server class for generating unique serial numbers for each record appended to the server, over 7 Billion unique numbers using a 5 character field.   Refer to papers for presentations on how to use the files.
Jasmine Model Comparer 
Download a utility for comparing two Jasmine class family models within a single Jasmine database.  Refer to papers for presentations on how to use the files.
Visit the CA-World 1999 Resource Center (virtually)
Enter a panoramic view of the World Resource Center (WRC) from the 1999 CA-World conference in New Orleans.  Viewing this will require downloading the Zoom Image plug-in from in order to properly view it.
DOS Clipper Downloads
Two DOS Clipper applications are available for download.  These include a viewer for U.S. Army medical design criteria, and a design review comment writing program (capable of running on a LAN).
A Simple dbf viewer editor
This download provides a complete installation of a simple application for viewing and editing dBase files.  It enables quickly finding values in any of the fields, while also allowing creation of Boolean queries/filters for powerful searches.
Spreadsheet for Estimating Sample Size
This excel spreadsheet makes it easy to estimate the correct sample size when creating a statistical sample.  Enter the values desired interval of precision, confidence interval, estimated size of population and population dispersion.  Spreadsheet will calculate sample size and adjusted sample size after considering population estimate.  Utilizes terms and formulas from: Emory & Cooper "Business Research Methods", 1991. Irwin, Boston, p:259-262.
Statistical Utility -- Visual Objects Source Code
This zip file contains two Visual Object's AEF source files for performing basic statistical analysis on a dBase file.  Library AEF contains statistical functions while the other creates a working demo that enables opening any dBase file and retrieving standard deviations, max, means, minimums, counts, etc. performed on numeric fields. Source also contains a working ArrayServer class.
SEPS Viewer
This tool is for use with the DOD Software application "Space and Equipment Planner" (SEPS).  The SEPS Viewer allows easy editing and viewing of the SEPS space and equipment planning files, to include the generated space program files (PFD).  An automated installation program will set up the application.  The install includes a converter to change the format of the SEPS files to enable the viewer to function.
Pie Chart - Visual Objects Source Code
This zip file contains two Visual Object's AEF source files, one is a library and the other is an example executable.  This library is a simple pie chart that sizes itself, and its pie slices based upon a passed array of values.  Simple to set up and use.  Auto colored, and labeled.  Pop-up labels with values, and percentages whenever the user clicks on a slice. 

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Last modified: November 30, 2004
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