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CAWorld 2000



This allows downloading of presentation files made at the Computer Associates World 2000 conference held in New Orleans from 8-14 April 2000. 

Bill Cross made two presentations at this conference:

Serializing CA Visual Objects.  This session covered the implementation of a serial number methodology for VO using dbfcdx files.  When creating an application using data driven pick lists or any database where the uniqueness of a data record must be automatically enforced, the software creation of a serial number must be developed.  Through the use of ASCII characters a limited 5 character field can support over 7 Billion unique serial numbers.  Download the CA-VO source files for the serial number generator and demonstration test.  Download the installation files for the serial number demonstration test (no source code).  Download paper Download Power Point presentation.

My First Jasmine ii Project.  This session featured an honest look at the successes and lessons learned during the development process of our first Jasmine application.  This session covered scheduling, cost estimation, UI Language choices, development tools, data model growth, ODQL issues, and other relevant topics.  Includes bibliography.  Download utility for comparing two Jasmine Class Family models within a Jasmine databaseDownload utility to truncate description text in ODQL code generated by the Rational Rose Integration Kit for Jasmine on the CA-Jasmine ii Beta CD.  Download paper.  Download Power Point presentation.

Are you coming to CA-World 2001 at Orlando? 

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