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Search Viewer



Download the Search Viewer Utility.   This utility provides a simple clean interface for  viewing and editing dBase files.  Its strength is in its ability to quickly search all fields (except memo fields) for any entered text.  You do not need to know which field contains the search string.  It additionally contains a GUI query/filter builder which also allows saving the query to a file.  

The download contains a single Zip file.  After downloading, unzip the file and then run the Setup.exe to install the application.  

Key Benefits

bulletSimple interface for viewing and editing dBase files
bulletFast search capability on all fields (except memo) within the file
bulletCreate queries / filters for working on databases.
bulletWin95, 98, NT and Win2000


This utility is unsupported, although questions are welcome.

Description SKU # Price
Search Viewer HHSV-1 Free


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Last modified: November 30, 2004
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