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Clinic Modeler Registration

Goals of Software

The goal of the software tool is to permit the quick determination of a Gross Square Footage ) requirement for a clinical type of medical facility.  This tool requires the user entry of the likely population supported by the clinic.  The tool permits a “single button” method of execution with a minimal amount of user input, allowing the user to enter the population supported and the tool then generating the estimated total GSF.

The tool is limited to buildings of the types: medical clinic, dental clinic, or combination medical/dental clinic, and currently supports only European locations.  Inpatient and ambulatory surgery facilities are excluded from this initial version.

This software tool is capable of running on Windows 2000 or Windows XP equipped personal computers.

The tool, in addition to determining the GSF requirement, estimates the likely construction cost for such a clinic after the user has entered the following data: fiscal year, and project location.  This construction estimate will utilize planning factors of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for estimating military construction costs.

The tool permits user interaction at specific assumption stages of the calculation model.  The user is able to make changes to the following interim stages: 

bulletutilization factors (overall or at a clinical (MEPRSservice level),
bulletworkload expected at a macro level or at a clinical (MEPRS) service level, expected staffing (at a provider total level or a detailed level), and
bulletspace program at a Program for Design (PFD) line item level.

The user is able to edit estimating factors used in determining the likely construction cost of the clinic.

Software is capable of printing reports to printer, HTML or MS Word.

Output files are exportable to: dBase file format, CSV (excel compatible) or XML.

Specific output reports of the tool include:

bulletStatement of Input Assumptions
bulletSummary of Requirement (mock front page DD1391 cost estimate)
bulletSummary of Requirement (inputs, summary of interim stages: utilization, workload, staff, space)
bulletProgram for Design (PFD)

The software tool is capable of saving the input, interim stages, assumptions and outputs for each clinic estimation.

Screen Shots

The main edit screen for the user is the "Plan Explorer".  The Plan Explorer provides a window with a tree-view enabling the user to edit each of the key stages in the estimation process:  Population, Workload, Staffing, Space, Gross Square Footage, and Cost.  The lower left corner of the explorer provides a memo field, permitting the user to keep notes on changes being made and their reasons.

The tree view in addition to allowing the user to quickly switch to each stage of the clinic estimation, also provides summary information about each stage.

This summary information precludes the need to print reports to check summaries while the user is working through the planning process.

A summary window is also provided at the top right of the plan explorer window.  This summary shows key total information about the plan.  This information is updated after each level of calculation.


v1.0 Clinic Modeler (30 day trial version, full version available upon user registration.) CMSetupUserVersion1.exe
Clinic Modeler User Manual in Acrobat PDF file format. ClinicModelerManual.pdf
Training Slide Show Clinic Modeler Training

Development Notes

The Clinic Modeler was developed using the development language and environment of Visual Objects.  Visual Objects is a superior development environment, refer to for more about Visual Objects.



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Last modified: November 30, 2004
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